Today is the 2nd December 2014, exactly 6 years since I had my health collapse. I will never forget that day.
It was a cold winter’s morning and I walked for half an hour to my industrial placement through the snow. When I got to work I sat in the office like a zombie for about 2 hours unable to think or do anything. Eventually they realised I was not well and my work colleague drove me home to the shared house I was living in in High Wycombe. I scrambled out of the car, and when I got through the door I collapsed on the floor. I managed to drag my body up the stairs and my legs were weak and unable to move. I crawled onto my bed. I was so weak, tired and dizzy. The room was spinning and I couldn’t think straight. After a while I managed to stand up but kept bumping into the furniture and bruising myself as I had no coordination. Eventually I called my parents and asked for help. My Dad drove down to pick me up.
When I got home to their house I collapsed on the living room floor and lay there. Not knowing what was going on, why my body couldn’t move.
That was the day my body said enough and I stopped being able to function in everyday life.
It too me 6 months of being bedbound at home to accept that I was ill and was not going back to work. It wasn’t until a year later in December 2009 that I got a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and my healing journey began…
Thank you for sharing! Your blog is very inspirational 🙂
Thank you Sophie! 🙂