Tag Archives: dreams

How to Create a Vision Board

January is a great time to set your goals and intentions for the coming year. A fun and powerful way to manifest your dreams is to create a vision board.P1000378

A vision board is a display of images of your dreams that you can hang on your wall. It works by embedding the images into your subconscious mind everytime you see it and you begin to subconsciously attract those things into your life.

Here is my step-by-step guide on how to make a vision board:

  1. Buy an art canvas or you can glue a piece of paper onto cardboard.
  2. Go on the internet and search for images of things you would like to create in your life such as vibrant health, a loving relationship, a new car, a future career, a house, a holiday etc. You can also write out positive affirmations and key words such as success, abundance, relax, joy etc.
  3. Copy and paste the images into a word document.
  4. Print them out.
  5. Cut them out.
  6. Arrange them on the board.
  7. Stick them in place with blue tack.
  8. Hang the board on the wall in room you use regularly. I have mine hanging on my bedroom wall.

Now you can watch you dreams manifest into reality! It won’t happened instantaneously and you may forget about your vision board then look at it one day and realise that one of the images is part of your reality! That is when you can take the picture off your board and replace it with an image of a new goal.

I wish you the best for the coming year and hope all your dreams come true!